/in en_GB /von gabiposchEXPLORE YOUR HIGHLIGHTS
As a coach I accompany people in processes of change:
either in their every day life in general or in their career, in the implementation of projects, the mastering of crisis, or simply in the realization of life aspirations.
I’m at your side with my well equipped coaching toolbox. I listen to you, challenge you with questions you don’t dare to ask yourself and draw your attention to matters nobody would talk to you about.
Together we explore your potential, define goals and dare to create visions. We specifically focus on those matters where you want to see changes appear.
Step by step and mindfully, I’ll guide you with empathy to the life that fulfills you and has the imprint of your personality.
evolving from manager to leader
Leaders are like conductors: They allow each team member to play his own tune and bring all players together in perfect harmony.
reinforce equilibrium
When the pressure to deliver at work or in private life increases, we lose our balance and feel the stress. Discover new perspectives!
Generation 55plus
Planning life transitions and placement processes
Life develops in chapters, which are rich in new possibilities. However, fears sometimes hinder us to spot new chances. There is no need for that!
Lateral thinking
breaking out of your treadmill
Lateral thinkers tick differently. They are creative, sometimes recalcitrant, often courageous. They can teach us a lot! Let us think out-of-the-box together and make your life vision come true!
About me
/in en_GB /von gabiposchAbout me
I have been working as a coach since 2014: I accompany people in the process of overcoming their own limitations, in order to achieve what really matters in their professional and private life.
I set stimulating impulses so that you bring your personality into its powerful effect!

Training & certification
- Co-Active Coach
- Zertifizierung zum CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach)
- Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- SAP Internal Coach (bis März 2016)
- Ashoka Deutschland Pro-Bono Coach
I grew up in lovely town of Heidelberg, completed my studies in pedagogy (teaching profession) and a training as a foreign language assistant. After several professional occupations in different international companies and a longer stay in Athens, Greece, I started working as an Executive Assistant at the SAP AG in Walldorf. In this company, I build my experience by working with managers and members of the extended Management Board (Executives) of different departments in an international environment. Over the course of 18 years, I met many fascinating people and gained my in-depth and hands-on knowledge of the demands and challenges executives are confronted with on a daily basis.
My coaching method & ethics
Co-Active Coaching is a dynamic, non-directive and transformative coaching method, which is founded on the achievements of positive psychology. As a co-active coach I see my clients in their full size and together we create the space needed to investigate and make full use of their potential.
In professional coaching I accompany this process through powerful questions, active listening, pointing out blind spots, questioning of previous assumptions and ideas as well as determining and realizing concrete steps.
As a member of ICF (International Coaching Federation) I support the ethical standards and professional values of the coaching profession.
For more information about Co-Active Coaching check out
Social impact
On my journey of becoming a coach I was reminded that life is a matter of give and take.
I am grateful for the amazing support I have received in the process. In return, I would now like to support people on their way.
Therefore, I coach 2 to 3 persons a year pro-bono, free of charge. If you, for instance, are about to build up a social start-up project and believe you might benefit from coaching, let me know! Of course, you may do this with projects or topics of your choice, if you convince me of your request. In exchange, I’d like to ask you either publish a reference on my homepage or to write your „coaching story” in which you tell more about your project at the end of your pro-bono coaching time.
All requests concerning this offer will certainly be treated strictly confidentially!
I am a member of Ashoka Germany pro-bono coaching network since 2016. Ashoka detects and promotes world-wide start-up personalities working for social organizations, corporations and movements. It is a non-profit network without public funds, financed through donations and working together with close partners & sponsors.
For more information please see…
Together we endeavour to bring changes about
Together we endeavour to bring changes about
Coaching Offers
/in en_GB /von gabiposchCoaching Offers
I coach internationally in German and English, in face-to-face sessions or on the phone, corporate as well as private clients.
Complementary Session: Getting to know each other
A possible coaching cooperation is always preceded by a complimentary introductory appointment. During our session, we’ll talk about your requirements and needs, answer your questions and get to know each other to see if the chemistry is right between us.
30 – 45 minutes per session (in person or via phone)
Rent a friend
Sometimes our best friend is too busy to listen to us, our partner not really interested in our current topic, or the topic is related to him…. Sometimes it´s even not a real topic yet, but just a fuzzy idea we have in mind and we would like to talk about it with somebody to get more clarity.
Whatever your background might be – sometimes we need more distance to talk about our issue. We need someone who is just listening in peace, but not to close to us.
I am happy to be that person for you in this coaching offer. I will listen without any judgement and you can be sure, that nobody will learn any details about our talk. Together we will explore, which result you want to achieve and plan first steps to do so.
Rent a friend is scheduled for 90 minutes (via phone or in person)
Quarter coaching & open end
Both coaching packages start with a „Discovery Session“ (approx. 2 hours). During this session we talk & agree on our corporation modus and related topics. You already become acquainted with selected coaching tools.
For „Quarter Coaching“ we work together for 3 months. We have, in addition to the „Discovery Session“, six coaching sessions in a bi-weekly rhythm.
Coaching „Open end“ has no limit on the number of sessions you sign up for. You decide for how long you wish to stay in the coaching process and when you want to terminate the contract.
For more information please contact me!
Lateral Thinking – breaking out of your treadmill
/in en_GB /von gabiposchLateral Thinking – breaking out of your treadmill
Lateral thinkers tick differently. They are creative, sometimes recalcitrant, often courageous. They live their visions and change the world. One is born as a lateral thinker. Nonetheless, even if you think you are no lateral thinker – they can teach us a lot! For example if you wish to break away from your personal life patterns.
Create a vision for your life and all its potential. Explore different perspectives for a creative and fulfilled life and initiate small or even big changes! To accomplish this we will think out-of-the-box together!
Do you have less motivation, no energy and your heart no longer sings? These could be signs that the image you have of your ideal life greatly differs from the demands of your everyday life. The moment for getting off the treadmill has come! Courage is required to take the first step out of the comfort zone. And yet – if you want to have creativity, success and joy back again in your life, this daring step will pay off. You might even have fun with it!
Let us take the first step together to a fulfilled life:
with lateral thinking and exploring your highlights!
Work-Life-Balance: keeping the equilibrium
/in en_GB /von gabiposchWork-Life-Balance: keeping the equilibrium
Sometimes pressure at work and private life reaches a point that we fall of balance. Then, it becomes difficult to cope with demands placed upon you.
You wish to regain the lost balance in your life? Let’s investigate new perspectives and possibilities! Together, we lay out the steps to bring your life back to an energetically balanced state.
Surely, most demands come from the working environment. Through Smartphones & co we are always available, checking our e-mails at any time and answering requests. But even private life is caught up in the ever growing speed. New options for leisure activities are created all the time, each one more exciting than the other. The concept of „leisure stress“ has already become commonplace in today’s life.
There are individual reasons why the time to find peace and contemplation again is often missed out. If this situation won’t change, our balance will be affected. Stress arises because we fear that we cannot cope with those demands any longer. In the early stages we might still be able to correct this ourselves. However, when individual effort no longer brings results, it is advisable to seek professional help, before syndromes of burn-out settle in at the end of the day.
Take action! Use my support to return to a steady and sustainable work-life-balance.
Leadership: evolving from manager to leader
/in en_GB /von gabiposchLeadership: evolving from manager to leader
Leaders are like conductors: They allow each team member to play his own tune and bring all players together in perfect harmony.
Leaders keep their teams motivated by showing a clear vision which causes enthusiasm and success for all involved.
A new move in your career. Leading a team for the first time. Enlarging your field of responsibility. I accompany you on the way to develop your definition of successful up-to-date leadership and its implementation.
Our business world has rapidly changed over the last years. Goals are more ambitious, pace has increased dramatically and technology is reaching ever new frontiers. Digitalization overcomes distances in time and space. The ways of traditional management are no longer sufficient to cope with change. Leaders must master new qualifications and show new competencies to address ever higher-set goals, to answer the challenge of perpetual change creatively and to lead people successfully into a new social environment. To accomplish this, empathy as well as inspiration, building visions and thinking outside the box are required.
Today’s leaders dare to realize visions. They do not loose sight of the target and show strength as well as appreciative guidance of the people they lead. They create connections on all levels and accept their responsibility for people, teams and organizations. This way they verifiably increase, not only the productivity of their teams and their own psychical balance, but also, very effectively, the sales quotes of the corporation.
As a matter of fact, this is true for all leaders in businesses of all sizes: international corporations, middle-class businesses and start-ups.
Together we create your vision of leadership
and have the courage to make change happen!